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Hoptree   arrow

Ptelea trifoliata (tee’-lee-‘a tri-fo-lee0-ah’-tah)
Family: Rutaceae, Citrus

Key Steps


Hop Tree leafLeaf: Three leaflets (trifoliate). Middle leaflet usually larger. Pointed at base and tip. Margin smooth or finely toothed. Glossy above, glandular dotted beneath. Aromatic, like orange peels. 2-4 inch long petiole.

Bud: Small, wooly, round, yellowish. Almost surrounded by leaf scar. True terminal bud absent.

Leaf Scar: Raised, horseshoe-shaped. 3 bundle scars.

Stem: Slender, smooth, dark reddish-brown.

Pith: Large, round, continuous, white.

Flower: Greenish-white, flat topped, fragrant.

Fruit: Drooping samara, roundish, flat, buff colored, 1-inch diameter, persistent. Similar to Elm fruit. 2-3 seeds in middle.

Habit: Bush, rounded. Small ornamental tree or shrub. Suckers. Colorado native in foothills.

Culture: Well drained soils, full sun or partial shade. Moderate to high moisture requirement.
