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Scrub Oak   arrow

Quercus gambelii (kware’-kus gam-bell’-ee-eye)
Family: Fagaceae, Beech

Key Steps


Scrub Oak leafLeaf: Rounded, deep lobes (variable), no bristle tip. Lobes may begin about halfway up from the base of leaf. Sinuses are small and shallow. Leaf is glossy above, slightly hairy beneath.

Bud: 10+ scales overlap each other.

Leaf Scar: Raised, half round. 12 or more bundle scars.

Stem: Fairly slender, light brown-gray.

Pith: Solid, 5-angled or star-shaped.

Flower: Catkins. Male: 1″ long. Female: tiny, in clusters in leaf axil.

Fruit: Acorn. Cap encloses about half the acorn. No fringe on acorn cap.

Habit: Dense thicket. Multi-stemmed. 15-30 feet tall.

Culture: Full sun. Low moisture requirement. Well-drained, low alkalinity preferred.
