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Crabapple   arrow

Malus spp. (may’-lus )
Family: Rosaceae, Rose

Key Steps


Crabapple leaveLeaf: 2-4 inches long. 1-2 inches wide, toothed margin. Pinnate venation. Some species may have lobed leaves.

Bud: Bud scales open up to expose gray-white hairs. Buds are about 1/4 inch long, and a little rounded at the end. The hair on the tip of the bud is more obvious closer to spring.

Leaf Scar: Small, crescent, 3 bundle scars.

Stem: Branch may be hairy right at tip of newest growth. Fruit spur branches are present (very short branches).

Bark: Varies. Some species have very mottled, attractive appearance.

Flower: Clusters, fragrant, 5 petals, lots of stamens, generally 1-2 inches across. Terminal flower on cluster opens first then progresses backwards.

Fruit: Small, apple, ranging in size and color (yellows to reds)

Habit: Small to medium sized ornamental. Various shapes. From 12 to 25 feet tall.

Culture: Moderate moisture requirement. Well-drained soils. Full sun.
