Growing Plants. Growing People.
The Colorado State Extension Master Gardener program is a unique intersection between University Horticulture expertise and community volunteers interested in educating locally.
Who are Colorado Master Gardeners?
We have a passion for learning, gardening, and giving back to our communities. We’re hands-on in educational school gardens, we’re helping grow food for local communities, and we’re passionate about pollinators. Some of us are tree-huggers, most of us are plant (and insect) lovers. Most importantly, we are volunteer educators who support gardening success in Colorado.
We all get that gardening here takes grit. Which is why we’re providing local expertise for Colorado’s diverse plants and people. We are Colorado State Extension Master Gardeners. Powered by Colorado State University.
Click on each step below to learn more.
STEP 1: Learn about our program We’re looking for volunteers interested in education and outreach using research-based horticulture information. As an Extension Master Gardener, you’ll be a CSU Extension volunteer giving back in your local community. >> Check out our Mission & Vision, History & Annual Reports. Newly accepted volunteers begin as Apprentices. This means you’re in-training to become a Extension Master Gardener. We provide 60 hours of core training that occur through hybrid instruction: online, live webinars (also recorded) and in-person when possible. The Green School Full Course is also know as our Master Gardener training. Following training, apprentices are encouraged to engage in local projects which vary widely. The volunteer commitment is 50 hours your first year after completing Green School. There is also a two-year Apprentice option that allows 60-hours to be completed over 2 years. If you’re simply interested in hobby gardening (hey, we love it too!), we have other great avenues for you to consider including: STEP 2: Find a program near you Check out the counties currently offering the Master Gardener program. You’re encouraged to connect with a program in the county where you live and apply online. While Green School training is offered statewide to all CMG Apprentices, volunteer activities are coordinated locally through your county CSU Extension office. If you’re moving here from another state where you served as an Extension Master Gardener, we welcome you to our program but do require that you complete our application process and training. Colorado can be a tough place to garden – we think you’ll appreciate the education you receive through our Colorado-specific training. STEP 3: Apply to become an Extension Master Gardener Apprentice If you’ve decided you’re interested in plant education and outreach and you’d like to volunteer in your local community then it’s time to apply! Follow these steps: STEP 4: Complete training courses Regardless of your location, all Colorado State Extension Master Gardeners (CMGs) receive in-depth horticulture training provided by University faculty, staff, and specialists. Training is critical to ensure that all volunteers have access to the information necessary to support our mission. Our initial training offers flexible, remote and hybrid training options. This includes self-paced online classes and live weekly review sessions with subject matter experts from CSU. Combined with optional in-person activities and hands-on labs (varies by local county programs), you’ll have the flexibility to learn at home and practice with fellow volunteers. GREEN SCHOOL TRAINING FEES & COURSE MATERIALS 2024-2025 GREEN SCHOOL FULL COURSE SCHEDULE Courses are specific to Colorado’s climate, soil, environment, insects, wildlife, and plants. Training is a big commitment and includes reading (online, no text required), homework, in-class activities and lectures. Green School training registration will open August 19, 2024. Please do NOT REGISTER for Green School if you’re applying to become a CMG! We’ll email you a registration link if accepted into the program. If you are not accepted and still want to completed Green School, we’ll send you a link for the early-bird registration rate. Want to know more? See the Green School Training information page STEP 5: Engage in local projects The Extension Master Gardener Volunteer’s audience is exclusively home gardeners. Master Gardeners support gardening success and provide home gardeners with information/education on topics including landscape plants, turfgrass, and trees as well as soils, pests, house plants, vegetable gardens and backyard greenhouses. Types of volunteer service can include answering phone calls and emails through a Master Gardener Helpdesk, diagnosing plant problems, teaching gardening classes, writing newspaper and website articles, and supporting community gardens and farmers markets. CSU Extension strives to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities that positively impact people and communities. STEP 6: Report & Renew annually Colorado State Extension Master Gardeners are active across the state and their impacts are impressive. We have a user-friendly reporting system so that logging hours, reporting outreach and signing up for projects is simple. We’re required to report our efforts locally and to the state annually – we want to show off the good work our volunteers are doing! After we’ve put our outdoor gardens to bed, we start our annual renewal process for all Master Gardeners. After completing CSU’s Green School and fulfilling the CMG Apprentice volunteer commitment of 50 or 60 hours, continuing CMGs must contribute at least 24 hours of volunteer service annually and complete 12 continuing education hours (often provided by CSU in your local county or online). CMGs in good standing complete renewal paperwork and contribute annual dues (typically less than $35) to recommit for the upcoming year. Available to All Colorado State University Extension is an equal opportunity provider. | Colorado State University Extension es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing reasonable accommodations. | Colorado State University no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad y se compromete a proporcionar adaptaciones razonables. CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension ensures meaningful access and equal opportunities to participate to individuals whose first language is not English. | Office of Engagement and Extension de CSU garantiza acceso significativo e igualdad de oportunidades para participar a las personas quienes su primer idioma no es el inglés. We are an equal access and equal opportunity University. Learn more: