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Swamp White Oak   arrow

Quercus bicolor (kware’-kus by’-kul-er)
Family: Fagaceae, Beech

Key Steps


Swamp White Oak leafLeaf: 3-7 inches long. Shallow, rounded lobes. No bristle on tips of lobes. Dark green above, white beneath. Yellow midrib and petiole.

Bud: Light brown, hairy above the middle. There may be thin appendages among the scales.

Leaf Scar: Half round.

Stem: Yellowish-brown or reddish-brown, smooth.

Bark: Grayish-brown, flaky, deep furrows.

Fruit: Acorn is 1 inch long. Usually two together. Cup covers 1/3 of light brown acorn.

Habit: 50-60 feet tall, spreading, open, broad. Short trunk.

Culture: Grows naturally in moist areas. But can adapt to drought conditions. Prefers acidic soils.
