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White Ash – Autumn Purple White Ash   arrow

Fraxinus americana ‘Autumn Purple’
Family: Oleaceae, Olive

Key Steps


Green Ash leafLeaf: Oddly pinnate, 5-9 leaflets, egg-shaped, long pointed tip. Wedge base. Margins barely toothed or smooth. Very nice maroon/purple fall color.

Bud: Sits within the leaf scar, not on top like green ash.

Leaf Scar: Half circle or shield-shaped, straight across top. Many bundle scars from a continous half circle within leaf scar. Bud sits at top of leaf scar. Leaf scars do not meet across stem.

Stem: Gray-brown, pale lenticles, stout, stiff, compressed at nodes. Long ridges. May be hairy.

Bark: Vertical ridges form a diamond-shape; ridges are flat on top like they’ve been planted.

Pith: Six-sided, white

Flower: Green to reddish-purple, tiny.

Fruit: Samara, single wing shaped like a canoe paddle. Pointed at top, round at other end. 1 to 1 3/4 inches long.

Habit: Large shade tree to 60+ feet tall by 30 feet wide. Several main branches, irregular spreading.

Culture: Performs poorly in Colorado, short lived. Extremely prone to Lilac/Ash borer.
