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Hawthorn   arrow

Crataegus spp. (kra-tee’-gus)
Family: Rosaceae, Rose

Key Steps


Leaf: Various shapes from oval to slightly or moderately lobed. Usually toothed margin.

Hawthorn leaves


Bud: Very tiny, roundish, shiny. Usually red to brown. May be on either side of base of thorn. Not hairy. Approximately six bud scales. True terminal buds.

Leaf Scar: Small, crescent, raised. Three bundle scars.

Stem: Stems are grayish-brown, slender, and zig-zaggy. Most thornless Hawthorns have sharp thorns. However, there are a few cultivars of thornless Hawthorns.

Pith: Small, round, continuous, pale.

Flower: Varies with species: white, pink or red.

Fruit: Pome (apple-like), yellow or red, small. Some may persist through winter.

Habit: Varies with species. All are small ornamental trees.

Culture: Usually low to moderate moisture requirement. Full sun.

Cockspur Hawthorn, C. crus-galli — Long thorns, glossy dark green, unlobed leaf, broadest above the middle. 20 feet tall by 15 feet wide.

Downy Hawthorn, C. mollis — Dull leaf has 4-5 pairs of lobes, hair on veins and beneath. 2 inch thorns.

English Hawthorn, C. laevigata — Leaf has 3-7 lobes, dark green, smooth. 1 inch thorns. 20 feet tall by 20 feet wide. Open and spreading. Tolerates partial shade. Moist, well-drained soils.

Toba Hawthorn, C. x mordenesis ‘Toba’ — Thornless. Shiny, lobed leaf. Pink to white flowers.

Washington Hawthorn, C. phaenopyrum — 1-4 pairs of shallow lobes, irregularly toothed, glossy, smooth. 2 inch thorns. Persistent fruit.
